Local governments are facing unprecedented challenges due to COVID-19. Never before have communities faced the twin challenges of a global health pandemic and economic chaos. For many organizations, this is requiring substantial and immediate budget adjustments in a constantly evolving environment.
While civic leaders and citizens are stepping up to the occasion, the impact to local government budgets and long-term fiscal health will be challenging. However, once we react and rebalance, the rebound will also open up tremendous opportunities for a fantastic future!
React, Rebalance, Rebound
Many PBB communities are quickly moving into strategy for mid-year budget adjustments.
1.) Applying Fiscal Health modeling, organizations are able to quantify the order of magnitude of the adjustment they plan to make 2.) Applying Priority-based (link) and Program-based business intelligence, organizations can focus on guiding programmatic changes they’d enact for immediate adjustment, while keeping in mind longer-term sustainability objectives.
If you’d like to get an idea of how your organization can “React, Rebalance + Rebound,” join Chris Fabian and Eric Keck from ResourceX on Tuesday, April 14th for a FREE webinar!
Chris Fabian – ResourceX CEO
Eric Keck – ResourceX VP of Customer Success (Former City Manager who has twice applied PBB in two different organizations
When: Tuesday, April 14th at 11 am MT. Register.
Registration has expired. Please see webinar video recording below!
As each day passes, the likelihood of a severe recession increases due to the coronavirus pandemic. With the immediate recognition of drastically declining revenues and increasing expenses, many organizations are actively engaging in budget adjustments.
Several communities are expressing an approach that emphasizes a successful immediate “reaction” following by “rebalancing” (through repurposing of resources) when the crisis passes, and rebounding with a long-term plan of preparedness for a more resilient future. In this webinar, we will introduce concepts and actions to both address the immediate challenges and position your organization for long-term success.

Many organizations are considering a mid-year budget adjustment. Obtain Fiscal Health focused recommendations and guidance.
Changes at the “line-item” level leave you with very few (limited) options (like cut personnel, cut travel & training, etc)
PBB and PB organizations can make changes at the program level by applying their program-data to make the most appropriate, data-driven decisions that balance the organization in the short and long-term
Learn how (and learn how ResourceX can guide and support your work)
PBB Community
Apply the PBB Blueprint through (“virtually led”) workshop(s): Maximize insights and take action on the data to lower expenses, raise revenue, and position your organization for long-term success.
Outcome specific consulting opportunities. Engage Team ResourceX to support specific initiatives unique to your organization.
New Organizations
Virtual implementation of Program Budgeting. Quickly build a program data platform including: program inventory, program costing, personnel (and non-personnel) allocations, and program attributes. Then build on this data-driven platform to move into priority based budgeting and performance based budgeting.
PBB Prep Course – Engage (remotely) with Team ResourceX to prepare you and your organization for PBB success!
FREE webinar registration here!