"The purpose of the PBB Leadership Initiative is to encourage Leadership Initiative participants to select a bold yet attainable project goal for taking action and applying their organization’s PBB data."
Whether you’re new to Priority Based Budgeting, or a current practitioner of PBB, you have come to the realization and accepted the fact that budgeting is a powerful lever for change. The budget is a mechanism to translate our ambitions, our visions for the future, and our policies into the actions of service delivery, fueled by resources (people, time and money).
The concept of the “4 Levels of Budget Mastery” shows every policy maker, every executive and administrator, every department head, budget analyst and organizational leader, how to take the practice of resource allocation and reframe it as the practice to fuel the future we wish to create.

By freeing up our staff, our time, and our dollars from investments less aligned with our goals, we can redirect vast amounts of resources, and pour energy towards those programs that are already highly aligned with community goals and new programs we need to start to achieve the Results of tomorrow.
Over 80 communities are actively implementing year 1 - 4 of priority based budgeting, with approximately 25 new organizations joining the PBB movement every year. And while there have been many success stories (This video walks you through the "4 Levels of Budget Mastery" by focusing on over a dozen successful PBB case studies across every level), the transition from implementing PBB to applying PBB data remains a challenge for some organizations.
Inspired by the 4 Levels of PBB Budget Mastery, ResourceX is marking a new chapter with the launch of the Priority Based Budgeting Leadership Initiative.

The purpose of the PBB Leadership Initiative is to encourage Leadership Initiative participants to select a bold yet attainable project goal for taking action and applying their organization’s PBB data. It is not the expectation that a participant’s project will be completed within the 6 week class. Rather the goal is for the participant to take what has been learned throughout the class and plan and prepare for a project once the class is complete. The project goal should be a plan that can be shared with the organization, executive sponsor and strongly encouraged as a viable means to take action on the data.
The ResourceX team will be working collaboratively to help with the delivery of relevant content designed to expand the leadership knowledge and capabilities of the participants. Aside from a concentration on leadership, we will be studying culture, change management, communications, presentations and of course time in the ResourceX tools where strategies for applying PBB data will occur.
Finally, the course will require a capstone project for each participant. The capstone project will have each participant select and create a bold plan for their organization that will center around a complete strategy for applying PBB data.
All current clients are eligible to apply for the first Priority Based Budgeting Leadership Initiative. Space is limited. For more info and to discover how to apply contact Eric Keck at ekeck@resourcex.net or 720-624-9885.