"Through Clear Creek County’s work in Priority Based Budgeting, the County now has a crystal clear understanding of every program they deliver. And will make this data available with the intention of identifying partnership opportunities to increase the value of program delivery while simultaneously reducing budget expenses."
Clear Creek County is leading a completely unique effort to look across the region, and understand how the resources given to all of us by our citizens, businesses, visitors and members of our community are being prioritized and used most wisely.
County leaders recently implemented a “Priority Based Budgeting” process, through which we’ve identified every single service the County offers (over 700 distinct County services!), the cost of providing those services, and key characteristics about each service (for example, the degree to which each program is mandated upon us, the likelihood that the program is provided by another private sector entity or public sector entity, and the size of population served by each program).
Much like Moffat County, CO, (Massive Regional Resource Optimization Initiative Underway in Moffat County, Colorado) where County fiscal conditions across the State are requiring all counties to consider radical new ways to form partnerships to deliver services, Clear Creek County, CO is proactively taking similar steps.
With the assistance of ResourceX, Clear Creek County will hold an unprecedented Community Meeting today inviting dozens of the County’s leading public, non-profit and private businesses. The sole purpose of this meeting is to evaluate partnership opportunities through "Program Mapping."
Through Clear Creek County’s work in PBB, the County now has a crystal clear understanding of every program they deliver. And will make this data available with the intention of identifying partnership opportunities to increase the value of program delivery while simultaneously reducing budget expenses.
Leveraging Partnerships to Fund the Future (article and video)
Clear Creek County Community Resource Meeting
Agenda - Monday April 30, 2018
Clear Creek County is leading a completely unique effort to look across the region, and understand how the resources given to all of us by our citizens, businesses, visitors and members of our community are being prioritized and used most wisely.
County leaders recently implemented a “Priority Based Budgeting” process, through which they’ve identified every single service the County offers, the cost of providing those services, and key characteristics about each service (for example, the degree to which each program is mandated, the likelihood that the program is provided by another private sector entity or public sector entity, and the size of population served by each program).
You and your organization are invited into a deeper conversation and analysis about the services offered to our residents as an overall community, and how the County can perhaps partner together, combine forces, and even consolidate services where appropriate to prioritize ALL of Clear Creek County’s resources.
This regional approach is among the first of it’s kind to free up scarce resources in all of our organizations as well as in this community, in order to refuel our unique and extraordinary efforts as local governments, non-profits, public sector and private sector entities to dramatically improve the future:
How can we discover and partner with other organizations in our community who are pursuing the same societal objectives are we are?
Can we leverage their efforts, programs and services to tackle the challenges we seek to address in our community?
And, can we discover opportunities to not only partner but merge and consolidate services, thereby freeing up our own staff and money to reallocate elsewhere?
In order to refuel our unique and extraordinary efforts as local governments to dramatically improve the future, we must mine from within. But how?
The concept is quite simple, and yet can sometimes escape us: how can we discover and partner with other organizations in our community who are pursuing the same societal objectives are we are? Can we leverage their efforts, programs and services to tackle the challenges we seek to address in our community? And can we discover opportunities to not only partner but merge and consolidate services, thereby freeing up our own staff and money to reallocate elsewhere?
In our opinion, the breakthrough principle of identifying partners and leveraging them to create a fantastic future are precisely those espoused in Bruce Katz's "The New Localism", Stephen Goldsmith's "New City O/S" and Tim O'Reilly's "Gov 2.0" and "Government as a Platform."
And PBB-implementing organizations such as Moffat County CO, Washington County WI, and Toledo OH are creating, and tapping into local partnerships with breath-taking results.
Through Program Mapping, Priority Based Budgeting communities are showing us the way to an entirely different future. By rethinking the services we offer, reassessing (re-understanding) and clarifying why we’re relevant to the public, and substantially reallocating the abundance of resources available to government and to every institution serving the public good, these communities have created a profoundly compelling alternative solution to freeing up vast amounts of resources (60% of Moffat County’s budget has been identified as ideal for partnership opportunity, regional in-souring, or out-sourcing!).
And by understanding their opportunities to leverage other service providers – in both the public and private sectors – they are freeing up resources in their community to successfully approach the future!
Related Articles
Washington County, WI Invites Neighbors to Consolidate Services or Merge
More info on the 2018 PBB Bootcamp & Summit in Denver this August!