"The City of Longmont is providing public access to the online Priority Based Budgeting tool that helps staff make budget decisions. This sophisticated tool allows you to review City budgets based on multiple variables, including the type of program, department and quartile ranking, and to compare Longmont’s budget to that of other organizations that use this tool."
The City of Longmont, CO is now in their 5th year of priority based budgeting. In April 2013, the City began implementing priority based budgeting into their budgeting process. As we've reported, City staff and elected officials have made great strides in identifying the results the community wishes to achieve and linking city services to those results. And has taken extraordinary steps to transparently communicate the full inventory of services the city delivers to residents and the community, in addition to the cost of delivering each and every service.
All of this information, and more, is now available on Longmont's Open PBB Data website. The evolution of Longmont's PBB focused budgeting process continues.

Now in 2018, with the Open PBB Data platform available to the community as the main source of city data information, Longmont seeks another round of citizen input to weigh community results, service prioritization and resource allocation.
The city is encouraging all citizens to participate in the Longmont Budget Survey. More information on Longmont's PBB process, Open PBB Data website and the budget survey (per the city's website) are provided below.
For the past few years, the Longmont City Council has made a commitment to use priority-based budgeting to make future decisions regarding resource allocations. In 2013 council identified the results that we are in business to achieve, which were vetted and weighted by the community.
In 2016 the city council adopted Envision Longmont, a multimodal and comprehensive plan that provides strategic direction and guidance for Longmont over the next 10 to 20 years. Both the priority-based budgeting process and the Envision Longmont process included community input toward goals and priorities.

With the similarities and overlap between the priority-based budgeting results and the Envision Longmont plan, the council has approved using the Envision Longmont guiding principles as our new priority-based budgeting results.
The City of Longmont is providing public access to the online Priority Based Budgeting tool that helps staff make budget decisions. This sophisticated tool allows you to review City budgets based on multiple variables, including the type of program, department and quartile ranking, and to compare Longmont’s budget to that of other organizations that use this tool.
IN ORDER TO USE THE ONLINE PRIORITY BASED BUDGETING TOOL, YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THE PRIORITIZATION PROCESS. Please review the information below. Once you’re familiar with the Desired Results of Government and the scoring that was applied to them, click on “Priority Based Budgeting Online Tool” to get started.
How would you allocate City resources?
Imagine having $100 to invest in achieving the City’s results. Where would you invest that money? Take our survey online at bit.ly/LongmontBudgetSurvey.
Congratulations to the City of Longmont on their ongoing commitment to transparency and citizen engagement!
More on PBB in City of Longmont
How Longmont, CO Council Strategically Utilizes PBB
City of Longmont, CO Prioritizes 1,244 City Services in a Detailed, Data-Driven Way
Longmont, CO Joins the Open PBB Data Movement