“In my experience, Andrew is one of the most innovative budget leaders in the country. During his tenure with the City of Baltimore, the city has implemented budgeting for outcomes, long-term financial planning, and lean process improvement. Usually, I'm impressed if a municipality implements ONE of these three public management best practices - Andrew, however, has hit the trifecta!” – Shayne Kavanagh, Senior Manager of Research, GFOA
ResourceX, a nationally recognized leader in priority based budgeting, is excited to announce that we now offer consulting and coaching from Andrew Kleine, whose innovative work as Baltimore’s budget director we have admired for many years.

Andrew is a nationally recognized leader in budgeting for outcomes, long-term financial planning, lean business process improvement, and pension and health benefit reform.
He received the 2016 National Public Service Award from the American Society for Public Administration and the National Academy of Public Administration for his courage and foresight in guiding Baltimore through the Great Recession, and he is #40 on the ICMA’s 2017 Traeger List of Top 100 Local Government Influencers.
ResourceX aspires to change the way local governments approach budgeting and resource allocation and is a leading best practice for local government. ResourceX provides the software solution to implement a priority based budget and the powerful analytic tools necessary to achieve results for your community.
Check out our "Join the PBB Movement" and
“4 Levels of Budget Mastery” (A PBB Manifesto) videos for more info!
We provide the software tools to help your organization develop a program inventory, define results, allocate resources, prioritize services, and analyze data. The design of the analytical tools and reports makes it easy to take action on the data and to yield results for citizens and the community. As the City of Boulder, CO states, "Priority Based Budgeting (tools) serves as the framework within which all budget decisions are made."
ResourceX Co-founder Chris Fabian states, “At the writing of this release, there are nearly 200 communities across the United States and Canada who have implemented Priority Based Budgeting, and who are actively leveraging the insights from their data to improve the lives of the people who they serve."
"At ResourceX, we have a two-part equation for creating innovations and disseminating the knowledge for everybody’s mutual success: 1.) surround our client organizations with thought-leaders to create new, breakthrough ideas that drive resource optimization, and then 2.) embed those innovations into technology to allow the entirety of the PBB community of implementers to benefit.
"We are beyond pleased to announce that Andrew Kleine has joined our mission today, offering his expertise to the PBB community of practitioners, substantially accelerating all of our ability to take PBB to the next level!”
Taking PBB to the Next Level
Your PBB engagement has helped you better define your services, understand their costs and performance, and prioritize their funding for the annual budget. You might be wondering how you can use all this new data to achieve your longer-term goals, like long-term fiscal sustainability, more efficient service delivery, deeper citizen engagement, and improved community outcomes.
Andrew offers support for building on PBB in a variety of ways:
Long-term Financial Planning – Prioritizing your spending is critical, but you may need to do more to ensure long-term sustainability. Andrew led the development of Baltimore’s first-ever ten year financial plan, which has already cut a large structural budget deficit in half, reduced taxes, shrunk unfunded liabilities by 25 percent, pumped more than $160 million into infrastructure projects, and boosted the City’s bond rating to AA. He has written on long-term financial planning for Government Finance Review and taught courses for GFOA. He can help you understand your fiscal strengths and weaknesses, set goals, forecast revenues and costs, develop strategies, firm up financial policies, and communicate with the public and decision-makers.
Lean Business Process Improvement – Andrew started a Lean Government program that trained more than 1,000 employees to think about their work in a whole new way. Lean is about making services more efficient and customer friendly by cutting out waste and getting to the root cause of performance problems. In Baltimore, Lean led to same-day career counseling for ex-offenders, doubled the productivity of fire permit inspectors, linked more families to infant and child health services, and mcuh more. Andrew can help you get the most out of Lean by connecting it to the budget, a revolving loan fund, or other strategy for investing in innovation.
Community Engagement – He engaged resident in the budget process with a community survey, community guide to the budget, and budget workshops and online tools that allowed citizens to try their hand at balancing the city budget. He can help you design your own community engagement strategies.
OutcomeStat - Andrew aligned strategic planning, budgeting and results accountability in a whole new way that has become a model for other cities. “OutcomeStat” received GFOA’s 2016 Award for Excellence in Financial Management. He can help you define measurable community goals, develop plans for achieving them, and monitor progress using data and evidence. Whether you are new to strategic management or looking for new tools to up your game, Andrew can guide you.
Performance Management – Andrew can help you develop service performance measures that are meaningful to managers and the public, set performance targets that are ambitious and realistic, and monitor performance using data and evidence. The goal is a performance management program that encourages collaboration, promotes accountability, solves problems, and reflects the community’s aspirations.
Pay for Success – Pay for Success (PFS) is an emerging strategy for financing interventions to expand early education, reduce homelessness, cut recidivism rates, improve public health, and achieve other outcomes that save money in the long run. In the PFS model, a private or philanthropic investor funds the intervention and gets a return on investment only if agreed-upon outcomes are met. It is a way for government to leverage future success and avoid paying for initiatives that don’t get results.
As Jamie Rouch from the City of Branson, Missouri put it, the evolution of the PBB Master Plan has necessarily shifted from “implementing PBB, to using PBB data to make change!”
Please contact us to discuss how ResourceX and/or Andrew Kleine can assist your organization in taking PBB to the next level!