Data-Focused Decision Making through Priority Based Budgeting at #TLG2017
"Now in 2017, over 160 cities, counties, school districts and special districts will be practicing PBB, using the process and tools to reshape the way all of a community's resources are leveraged to achieve Results, and inviting citizens further into an authentic role of influence and participation." ResourceX + the Center for Priority Based Budgeting are thrilled to present, exhibit and engage at Transforming Local Government 2017 Conference in Tulsa next week! Please be sure to visit Team ResourceX + CPBB in the Corporate Partner Exhibit Area, tweet + follow us @theCPBB & @_ResourceX, and have a blast celebrating Transforming Local Government in Tulsa next week!

We'll be presenting Data-focused Decision Making through Priority Based Budgeting on Tuesday, April 18th from1:30 - 4:30 pm. Priority Based Budgeting is recognized as a best practice by the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and the Alliance for Innovation. Register! Online PBB provides a much more powerful, efficient, and data-driven approach to achieving exponential community results than ever before! At this PBB Workshop you will learn how to use Online PBB to achieve: Online PBB and InstaPBB Rapid and efficient deployment of the Online PBB budgeting platform completely unique to your organization. Priority Based Business Planning and Budgeting Your PBB budget process provides a tool for allocating resources within a broader and all encompassing Strategic Plan and Business Planning framework. Staff Empowerment Ultimately, the "lens" that PBB establishes to guide resource re-allocation decisions is only a tool; the lens serves one purpose, which is to serve the "trained eyes" of policy makers, executive administration, and ultimately citizens. DashPBB The user interface for the department level decision maker, this has been designed for department heads within an organization to analyze, track, and update their budget model. Capital Project Prioritization many have talked about, many have desired to do it, and now innovative NW communities will be among the very first to actually implement and integrate Capital Projects using PBB methodology. PresentPBB Engage your elected officials like never before, this tool simplifies the message of priority based budgeting through powerful visuals and dynamic charts. Open PBB Data Translate your Online PBB data platform into a powerful community facing transparency tool. Use OpenPBBData platform to communicate to your citizens and stakeholders to roll out an "open data" initiative, leveraging your PBB data. The Center for Priority Based Budgeting has teamed with Resource Exploration to build the process of PBB into an online platform. Resource X brings experience in database and web design needed to facilitate this transformation. See you in Tulsa!